
Saturday, December 02, 2006

Trip back from TongGu to Nanchang

Wow, what a couple of days. The picture in the bus is passing another vehicle. Yes, we are going 50 miles an hour and headed directly for the car in the opposing direction and yes we are driving on the wrong side of the road – no big deal… we have done it all the time. The driver is honking at this car to tell it to move over more right so all three vehicles can pass each other at the same time. Keep in mind there are usually people on bikes and walking to make the issue a little more interesting – driving in China is really an experience that is pretty crazy. Words cannot explain the past 48 hours. Been so full of emotions that it really has been overwhelming – would love to make an Apple Martine but I cannot have the ice – do not want to get sick. It has truly been amazing to see the area our little blessing came from. Seeing the orphanage and meeting the foster mom. Thinking of the day she was brought to the orphanage and really wonder what went through Sadie’s birth mom’s thoughts as see decided to risk a lot by bringing her to the orphanage verse other things she could have done - - - Wow, what a few days. Just in amazement of the power of God. Sadie seams to have a real comfort level with us now. Her little heart and soul seam to be warming up to the life God has laid out in front of her… and that life is with Heidi and I. She is growing closer to us by the minute and I’m thankful for this very much. She is a sweet and special little girl. Wayne has commented many times that the pictures are good but they do not do our little angle justice – she is much sweeter, cuter, and prettier then any of these pictures. I would have to agree… God has blessed us in more ways then I can imagine and I’m very thankful for what He has done.


At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Words can't explain it on this end either, Rob. I cry every time I get on this site (which is about every hour). So far I have showed this to all of my students, my co-workers, and my fellow church members at a meeting the other night. Here's a prayer that I love that I want to pass on to you. St. Theresa's Prayer:
May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content in knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love. It is there for each and every one of us.
Rob, Heidi, Wayne and little Sadie, you are living out this prayer. Saying that we are happy for you does not even begin to express how we feel. We love you guys! Jenne, Matt and kiddoes.

At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing Sadie all snuggled up to Heidi and Wayne just fills me with tears. I am so grateful for the pictures and remarks that has made being alway from all of you for this long bearable. I love you all so very much. God be with you til we are together again.
Love, Mom

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mommy and daddy. I miss you bye
love Ryan

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't get enough of the pictures and the neat and exciting things you have to say. Saide truely looks very comfortable and happy with you and Heidi! We too have shown this to some friends and family. My sister-in-law grew up in Hong Kong, although that is very different from where you are it was interesting for her to tell us what everything says in chinese. We look foward to the next update! Take care...

Keri & Brian


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